EH – RLX 30ml

EH – RLX 30ml

INGREDIENTS: A complex recipe of bio-energetic resonances imprinted into a 10% organic alcohol solution.  NO physical component present. This recipe is based on the vibrational frequencies for emotional support based a combination of the work of Dr. Edward Bach...
Autoimmune Disease and Leaky Gut

Autoimmune Disease and Leaky Gut

Here is an A to Z list of the Autoimmune disease’s currently thought to be linked with Leaky Gut Syndrome. Beside each description is a brief description and a list of the main symptoms and where possible links to more information on the internet.  Should you...

My Inspiration – My Kids!

  I know what it is like to travel to the ends of the internet and beyond to uncover the root causes behind the ‘what can make my kids cry’ and ‘what I can do to make it better’.         The best six doctors anywhere And no one can deny it Are...