As an accredited Counterweight Practitioner for both individuals and groups, I have been looking forward to adding the Counterweight Plus programme for bariatric clients to my services portfolio and I can confirm, that I will be making this available as from April 2013. If you think you may find this programme appealing, then do get in touch to find out more about it.
Also see below for the link to the recent article published in the Daily Mail. Although liquid diets have had a lot of bad press and following the initial weight loss, there needs to be a program of weight management to avoid putting all the weight back on. They have been shown to be effective for not only losing weight but also improving the health risks for diabetes and saving the need for more drastic measures such as stomach reducing surgery.
- Many people quickly put all the weight back on after a liquid diet
Learn how to love healthy foods rather than eating junk.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about low carb. Regards
Can you send me more inforation on the counterweight Programme, I read an article about it in the daily mail and all about the weight loss people were experiencing
Please send me more about the counterweight programme, I don’t want to go to a group
How can I get more info on this