What If The Only Thing Standing Between You And A Life-Changing Breakthrough In Your Health – Is An Energised Drop of Water?
Discover How Blocks In Your Energetic Frequency May Be Preventing You From Achieving Your Optimum Health and Vitality With…
The Healing Power of Energised Water
In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.” ~Albert Szent-Gyoryi, 1937 NobelPrize Winner in Medicine
The Energetic carriers can support you to …
- Clear invisible blockages from your energetic blueprint, so you can tap into your body’s innate healing ability.
- Remove emotional stressors or self-destructive patterns so you experience life from a high-vibration state.
- Release from unnecessary stress, anxiety, and negativity caused by low-vibrational holding patterns.
- Enjoy better results and outcomes with all your other health and wellness practices.

Vibrational Exchange, the Language of Biochemistry

The Hidden Messages in Water

One of the most famous studies on the power of our thoughts was in Dr. Masaru Emoto’s water experiment. There was an observed difference in the water crystal’s composition after being exposed to positive words such as ‘Peace’, ‘Love and Gratitude’, ‘Angel’, compared with negative words such as ‘Evil’, ‘You fool’, and ‘I hate you’.

The Fourth Phase of Water

Dancing with Water

What are EH Energy Medicine ‘Infoceuticals’?
EH Energy Medicine ‘Infoceuticals’ are a safe and natural method of healing stressors in the energetic field which interfere with the equilibrium of the being as a whole, allowing the body to be free to heal itself.
How are the EH Infoceuticals made?
How do the EH Infoceuticals work?
Each remedy has a unique recipe of frequencies which are withheld in the structure of the water. (Similar to the theory of homoeopathy), however, the EH Infoceuticals are purely frequencies based and there is no physical component, present.
What do they contain alcohol in the bottle?
Why do you use Ionised Alkaline Water?
Which Remedy is right for me?
What happens if I take the wrong Remedy?
How do I take the remedies?
What happens if I take too much?
Are they homeopathic?
Are the Remedies Gluten Free?
At what temperature should the bottles be stored?
Can you overdose or build up a tolerance?
EH Energy Medicine Infoceuticals do not cure, prevent, diagnose or treat any disease. If you have a medical condition or concern, please consult the appropriate healthcare professional. Equilibrium Health products have not been evaluated by an government or regulatory organisation.