The following links are a list of complementary resources which I have used to complement the work of Equilibrium Health and may be of use to you for any number of reasons. Most of the links below are hyperlinks which will open in a new web page
21ST Century Energy Medicine – Our aim is to research and verify leading edge therapies that ‘really’ do work for everyone

Health, Longevity and vitality for all. A fabulous website of natural healing wonderfoods and products
Ancient Purity – Health, Longevity and vitality for all. A fabulous website of natural healing wonderfoods and products
ASYRA – Energy Medicine, Advanced Health Screening Equipment
Association for Nutrition – UK Voluntary Register of Nutritionists
Counterweight Organisation – is a fully evaluated, evidence based lifestyle weight management programme.
Ethical Minds – David Crees provides professional NLP & Hypnotherapy in Cheltenham. Help with anxiety, stress, interviews, quit smoking, confidence.

information on Nutritional Therapy and Practitioners of Nutritional Therapy throughout the United Kingdom
FNTP – (Federation of Nutritional Therapists) aims information on Nutritional Therapy and Practitioners of Nutritional Therapy throughout the United Kingdom
Good Health Naturally – Highest quality & value supplements
Nutritionist Resource – lists nutritionists who are members of a recognised professional body or those who have sent copies of their qualifications and insurance cover.
Nutrition Society – promotes the science of nutrition and its application to the improvement of human and animal health.
NutriVital – Nutrition, Energy Medicine and beyond. NutriVital Health provides a complete package of energy medicine systems, training and the highest-quality nutritional products
Pain Genie – Beyond Pain Relief A Lifestyle Choice
SCENAR – advanced pain relief device and represents a breakthrough in stimulating and accelerating the body’s natural self healing abilities.
Scenar Therapist – advice and information of what to expect from SCENAR treatments and where to find a qualified therapist
What Clinic – helping your choose the treatment you want at your clinic of choice in your area
Please let me know if you would like your website added to this page