Migraineless Living™
Less Duration, Less Painful, Less Often,Start Watching to Get The 7-Step System My Clients Have Used to Reduce the Pain, Intensity and Duration of their Migraines
Helping professional women get their life and career back. Even If the genes run in the family, nothing they have ever tried before has worked and without the fear of side-effects from trial-and-error Rx medications.
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Kirsty is passionate about how the mind and body works together in creating the onset of illness and combines psycho-emotional, energetic, physical and meta-physical approaches for a truly comprehensive, radically wholistic approach to health and wellness.
She helps her clients to get to, and understand the root cause of their health challenges, so instead of just asking WHAT? they’ve got, she helps them understand the WHY?, and then helps them address the lifestyles changes required to break free from just managing symptoms with medications and instead uncover their true healing potential.
For anyone who is sick, stuck or just fed-up with the ongoing pattern of managing symptoms. Her unique combination of modalities provides a truly comprehensive and wholistic approach to achieving health which are non-invasive, painless and drug-free.
When I’m not trying to heal the world, I’m a Zumba queen, or blissing out with a good meditation