In this article:


  1. Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT™) provides a powerful tool for understanding and managing anxiety, stress, and hidden trauma, rooted in a blend of hypnotherapy and psychotherapy.
  2. RTT™ works by helping individuals access their subconscious mind, identify root causes of distress, and replace them with empowering beliefs and behaviors.
  3. Through real-life stories and practical steps, we explore how RTT™ has successfully helped individuals overcome anxiety, stress, and heal from hidden traumas.
  4. Mastering RTT™ requires time, patience, and commitment but can lead to profound personal transformations, significantly improving overall well-being and life satisfaction.

Ever felt trapped in a cycle of anxiety and stress, haunted by past traumas? You’re not alone. Millions of people are right there with you, battling invisible foes and looking for an effective solution.

That’s where Rapid Transformational Therapy, or RTT™, comes into play. It’s a powerful tool that offers a way out, a path to free yourself from anxiety, stress, and hidden trauma.

In this article, we’ll delve into how RTT™ can help. We’ll illuminate its benefits, share insights on its application, and provide practical steps to start your journey towards freedom.

Understanding Anxiety, Stress, and Hidden Trauma


Anxiety, Stress, and Hidden Trauma

Anxiety, stress, and hidden traumas – each one a word packed with significance, resonating with many of us. Each term defines a complex and profound experience. Anxiety, a lingering sense of dread, often unanchored to any real threat, can leave us feeling on edge and apprehensive. Stress, a response to external pressures, inflicts strain on our minds and bodies, manifesting in myriad physical symptoms. Hidden trauma, the unseen yet palpable aftermath of adverse experiences, has long-term effects that influence how we navigate life.



A feeling of worry, nervoiseness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome

Can be casued by a fear of the futrue or upcoming events

 Symptoms include:

  • restlessness,
  • rapid heartbeat, 
  • difficulty concentrating

Treatments include:

  • therapy,
  • medication, and
  • mindfulness practice
  • RTT™


The body’s response to any demand for change

Can be casued by any change that requires you to adjust or adapt

 Symptoms include:

  • headache,
  • upset stomach
  • high blood pressure, 
  • sleep problems

Treatments include:

  • relaxation techniques,
  • exercise, and
  • a balanced diet
  • RTT™


An emotional response to intense negative experience that hcan lead to long-lasting impact

Typically caused by a severe event or experience, i.e. accident, violence, or natural disaster

Symptoms include:

  • flashbacks,
  • avoidance of reminders of the event, 
  • withdrawal from firends and family

Treatments include:

  • therapy,
  • medication, and
  • EMDR (eye movement desisitsation and Reprocessing)
  • RTT™

Introduction to Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT™)

Introduction to RTT™ as a solution

Enter Rapid Transformational Therapy™, or RTT™, a pioneering therapeutic approach. It serves as a lifeline to those grappling with the throes of anxiety, stress, and hidden trauma. RTT™, birthed from the extensive experience of renowned therapist Marisa Peer, amalgamates the beneficial aspects of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, and NLP. This unique blend creates a therapeutic technique that speaks directly to your subconscious mind, the seat of our habits and emotions. It’s here we begin our journey to reclaim the peace and tranquillity we all inherently deserve.

Definition of RTT™

Diving right in, Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT™) is a groundbreaking therapeutic approach developed by world-renowned therapist, Marisa Peer. It’s a hybrid therapy that combines the most effective components of Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Psychotherapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). But what sets RTT™ apart is its speed – it aims to deliver lasting change in a relatively short amount of time, sometimes in just one to three sessions.

How does RTT™ work

So, how does RTT™ work its magic? In a nutshell, it’s all about rewiring your mind. It uses a range of techniques to access your subconscious, which holds the key to our behaviors, habits, and emotions. Imagine this: instead of spending months, even years, trying to understand and alter negative patterns, you’re able to create positive change in just a handful of sessions. Sounds too good to be true? But it isn’t.


The science behind RTT™

The science behind RTT™ is compelling. Neuroscience research shows that our brains are capable of rewiring themselves in response to new experiences, thoughts, and behaviors, a phenomenon known as neuroplasticity. RTT™ harnesses this capacity of our brain to form new, healthier neural pathways. It’s like creating a new route to work that’s quicker, smoother, and just better, all-round! By delving into your subconscious mind, RTT™ encourages the development of these new pathways, facilitating lasting, transformative change. No magic, just science!


Using RTT™ to Break Free from Anxiety and Stress



How RTT™ helps with anxiety


Emotions like fear and worry can often feel like unwelcome houseguests. Rapid Transformational Therapy™, or RTT™, acts like a gentle but firm mediator, negotiating their departure. Anxiety, rooted in unhelpful beliefs or past experiences, can feel all-consuming. The beauty of RTT™ is in its transformative approach that rewrites this internal narrative.

Using hypnosis, RTT™ takes you on a journey into the subconscious mind, where these deep-seated anxieties often reside. Here, we have the ability to expose and challenge the irrational beliefs fuelling your anxiety. We can replace them with healthier, more constructive beliefs, breaking the shackles of anxiety and inviting mental liberation.


The role of RTT™ in managing stress


Stress, the silent pandemic of our era, finds its adversary in the practice of RTT™. Stress manifests when we feel overwhelmed or unable to meet life’s demands. The methodology of RTT™ is not merely stress relief, but stress resilience. It builds a mental fortress within us, protecting us from the damaging effects of chronic stress.

Through a combination of hypnotherapy and cognitive-behavioural approaches, RTT™ targets the root causes of stress. It enables us to perceive our stressors in a new light, transforming them from insurmountable challenges into manageable tasks. As a result, we can navigate life’s turbulent seas with newfound calm and confidence.


Using RTT™ to Uncover Hidden Trauma


Hidden traumas, the echoes of past hardships, can impact our lives in profound ways, often without our knowledge. They lurk in the shadows of our subconscious, influencing our behaviour, thoughts, and feelings. RTT™ acts as a gentle lantern, illuminating these hidden elements and bringing them to the surface.

In a safe and supportive environment, RTT™ guides you through the process of identifying hidden traumas. It goes further by helping to process and heal these wounds. By addressing these hidden traumas, we pave the way for healing and growth, allowing you to live more fully and freely. In the same way, a tree must remove dead branches to grow; we must address and heal our hidden traumas to truly flourish.


Practical Steps to Master RTT™

Getting started with RTT™

Embarking on your journey with RTT™ begins with finding a certified practitioner. Collaborating with a professional paves your path towards understanding your unique subconscious landscape. Their guidance is essential in navigating the deep recesses of your mind and spotting the root causes of your struggles.

How to continue practicing RTT™ in daily life

Once you’ve gotten the hang of RTT™ sessions, it’s time to infuse this practice into your daily life. Practice makes perfect. Regularly devote time to self-reflection, use affirmations, and consistently challenge negative self-perceptions. The aim is to reinforce the transformative power of RTT™, gradually enabling you to react to stressors in healthier ways.

Tips and strategies for effective RTT™ practice

For an effective RTT™ practice, consistency and patience are key. Remember, change isn’t a one-off event; it’s a process. It may take time for old patterns to break and new ones to form. Another pro tip is to maintain a journal. It’s an excellent tool to track your progress, record insights, and express unvoiced emotions. As you master RTT™, you’ll find the fog of anxiety, stress, and hidden trauma lifting, paving the way for a brighter, healthier tomorrow.


Practical Steps in RTT™

The RTT™ Process

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a therapeutic approach that utilizes the science of neuroplasticity to help individuals heal from past traumasIt aims to identify the root cause of behaviors and release trapped thoughts, beliefs, and emotions

Here’s how RTT can help with anxiety, stress, and hidden trauma:

  1. Identifying the root cause: RTT helps individuals uncover the underlying causes of their anxiety, stress, and hidden trauma. By understanding the root cause, individuals can gain insight into the origins of their emotional struggles and work towards resolving them

  2. Releasing trapped thoughts, beliefs, and emotions: RTT aims to release and reframe negative thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that are associated with anxiety, stress, and hidden trauma. By addressing and reframing these subconscious patterns, individuals can experience relief and create new empowering beliefs

  3. Addressing childhood trauma: RTT is particularly effective in addressing childhood trauma, which can contribute to anxiety, stress, and hidden trauma in adulthood. By addressing and resolving these past traumas, individuals can reduce hidden stress and experience positive impacts on their well-being
  4. Building confidence and self-esteem: RTT can help individuals overcome feelings of low confidence and self-esteem. By releasing negative beliefs and replacing them with empowering ones, individuals can develop a more positive self-image and increase their self-confidence
  5. Promoting emotional healing: RTT combines various therapeutic techniques, including cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, psychotherapy, and neuroscience. This comprehensive approach helps individuals tap into their subconscious mind and facilitate emotional healing from anxiety, stress, and hidden trauma

It’s important to note that while RTT has shown promising results, it may not be suitable for everyone. It’s always recommended to consult with a qualified therapist or healthcare professional to determine the best approach for addressing anxiety, stress, and hidden trauma.


In Summary

Navigating the stormy seas of anxiety, stress, and hidden trauma can be challenging, but the power of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT™) offers a lifeline. With its unique ability to delve deep into the subconscious mind, RTT™ unravels the complex knot of past experiences and patterns that contribute to these struggles. It equips you with the tools to rewrite your narrative, transforming your perception of anxiety and stress, and healing the wounds of hidden trauma.

Mastering RTT™ isn’t an overnight process, it requires dedication, patience, and self-compassion. As you practice, you’ll discover your inner strength and resilience, emerging on the other side stronger and freer. As you continue your journey, remember – you have the power to transform your life, to break free from the shackles of anxiety, stress, and hidden trauma. Trust in the process, believe in your strength, and embrace the transformation that lies ahead.


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Frequently Asked Questions


How did Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT™) change my understanding of anxiety and stress? Realizing that anxiety and stress were not my enemies, but signals from my mind requiring attention was a revelation. RTT™ provided me with the tools to delve into my subconscious mind, uncover the root causes, and transform my life. On the downside, the process required time and patience, which might be challenging for some. In comparison, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) also aims to change thought patterns, but it doesn’t necessarily address the root causes of anxiety and stress like RTT™ does.

Did RTT™ really help me address hidden trauma? Absolutely, it was through RTT™ that I was able to uncover and heal from hidden traumas, effectively addressing emotional wounds that had lain buried for years. Of course, it’s not a magic wand – there were hard moments, and it was an emotional process. It was definitely more transformative than traditional talk therapies, which often require a longer period of healing.

What’s the science behind RTT™ and how does it compare to other methods? RTT™ utilizes hypnotherapy to access the subconscious mind, an approach backed by decades of psychological research. While this might feel intimidating to some, the process is gentle and guided. Compared to other methods like mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), RTT™ is more focused on rewriting old narratives and transforming negative patterns.

Is mastering RTT™ an easy process? Honestly, no. Mastering RTT™ required dedication, patience, and self-compassion. But the transformation it brought about was worth every moment. I found it more challenging but also more rewarding than traditional meditation or yoga for stress management.

What practical steps can someone take to practice RTT™ daily? Starting with an open mind, a willingness to explore the subconscious, and finding a certified RTT™ practitioner were my initial steps. Daily practice and self-hypnosis became essential parts of my routine. However, be prepared – it’s not as easy as popping a mindfulness app open for 10 minutes a day!

How does RTT™ compare to other platforms like Headspace or Calm? RTT™ and mindfulness apps like Headspace or Calm serve different purposes. While these apps offer quick, daily stress-relief practices, RTT™ goes deeper, addressing the root causes of your mental health struggles. It might be more challenging, but the transformation it brings is profound.

Could I use RTT™ to rewrite my life’s narrative? Indeed, RTT™ gave me the power to rewrite my life story, to transform my perception of anxiety and stress, and to heal hidden trauma. It’s a liberating journey, albeit an intense one. Traditional therapy, while valuable, didn’t offer me the same level of narrative control and transformation.


Now, I encourage you to take action. If you or a loved one has been affected by Anxiety, Stress or hidden Traumas, reach out for help. There’s a community ready to support you.  Book a FREE call here>>

Finally, I leave you with this: Do you believe that our experiences shape us, or that we have the power to shape our experiences?