What Equilibrium clients say:
Hi Kirsty…My session with you was so enlightening, rewarding, interesting and actually fun! I want you to know I slept SO well that night AND my shoulders have not hurt me since my treatment! That is amazing because I have had should pain for years. And because I can sleep on my side more now, my lower back doesn’t hurt either! I am so happy and pleased and I finally feel I’m on the right track to improve my health in a really meaningful way, going right to the source of my troubles. Thank you so much. J Brown, Feb 2017

Kirsty Terry u r a genius. I honestly expected to wake up this morning and feel the full effect of my fall yesterday, but after a full session of your natural energy medicine the only pain is a small ache in my upper arm! Absolutely incredible. Thank you. Thank you. Friends, take note. This really is fabulous, non invasive, drug free, natural medicine that works feeling great. T. Pewtner
Thanks so much Kirsty, I am delighted with the results so far. You have helped us get to a much improved stage in 3 weeks, where the gp’s and hospital consultants have struggled for 3 years! Much appreciated.
Kirsty, your refreshing approach has transformed the health and happiness of my whole family. You identified the root cause of the problem immediately and in just a few weeks it has ceased to be a problem at all. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, encouragement and support.
Dear Kirsty, Your support and guidance has really helped me on my road to best health. In our consultation, you positively changed patterns that were causing me ill-health and I am still reaping the benefits now, months later. You made me think about my lifestyle and habits that I had formed which were doing me no good – your kind, practical approach allowed this to happen. Thank you.
I loved my initial consultation with Kirsty. I’ve never had this type of consultation before so naturally I was sceptical. Kirsty recognised specific foods that were causing me weaknesses in my body. I’ve since eliminated and/or cut down on the foods and have found I sleep better, feel less bloated and (weirdly) my back pain has dramatically improved! I’d consider a more natural approach to all health issues in future.
Kirsty, many thanks for the Skype consultation you recently had with my wife. Your friendly approachable manner helped my wife overcome both the issues of the “cyber interview” and the initially complicated idea of the ASYRA machine and its uses. You explained the issues so well I know as Judith has been recommending you to so many friends. We’ll be in touch again soon to see where we go to next.
I just want to say a very big thank you to Kirsty for taking the time to listen to all of my concerns about my health. I came to her following years of problems with endocrine disorders and following surgery I was at a very low ebb. Kirsty was quickly and easily able to identify the main areas to work on providing nutritional advice and energy medicine. This has turned my health and life around for me. I am now fitter, healthier, more balanced and overall feeling so much better.
thank you for all your help with your treatment and knowledge regarding my recent health problems, your nutritional knowledge was helpful regarding my gut problems, and my recent spinal fracture was easily recognized by you when using your amazing scenar machine. The rest of my family are very impressed and wished you lived nearer. Keep up the good work in the Cheltenham area.
After leaving one of Kirsty’s sessions I feel so invigorated and light with a new zest for life. Kirsty’s energy is catching and she always chases away the negatives to leave you positive and glowing.
Thank you for your help in maintaining my general well-being. The Pain Genie Scenar certainly worked in greatly reducing the pain in my foot, to the point that it I am generally pain free. Would highly recommend this to anyone suffering with constant or intermittent pain, as in my case. Thank you.
SCENAR treatments
Had an amazing thing happen 2 days ago…Went to see Kirsty at Equilibrium Matters in Cheltenham for a consultation regarding my arthritis in my hands and the right side of my face where I had Bells Palsy 4 years ago – Results are little short of a miracle!!! My hands feel like new – No pain and can open jars again without any trouble and my right eye has got its sensation back again and it has opened up to the same size as the other one!!! Very emotional as now feel that my face is back to ‘NORMAL’ if that’s the word. Thank you so very much Kirsty Terry xxx I would definitely recommend anyone who has any back pain; headaches; artritis; knee and joint pain to try this new piece of equipment that Kirsty has!!! Facebook post
Back to Zumba! and got my life back again so I thought I post this, to share how it happened…
I’ve always been fit and rarely get injured so this knee injury which I have had since Christmas has had a real debilitating effect on my life.
I put my faith in the physiotherapy waiting for appointments but sadly the assessments changed each visit causing different diagnosis and solutions to little effect. I concluded that this was a chronic condition and I may never recover. The first treatment with Kirsty diagnosed the tension in the muscles around the knee and it gave me instant relief but I was keen that this would eliminate the cause of the problem, as exercise always bought back the pain. So while I left very pleased to get so much relief I was going to check out the longer term effect. I booked into Zumba the next day. I knew the problem could all come back again especially as Zumba is not kind to the knee as it has such varied high impact movements. I got through the Zumba session, I was feeling a stiffness by the end, yet I still had the flexibility and things were looking positive. Second Treatment. Now the next treatment, showed that I did not need work in the same area as last time, but rather it had paved the way to get closer to the cause. I had a sudden jolt when a muscle just let go during the treatment and I had a sense of alignment returning , as it had dealt with something major inside. It had a profound effect again on the knee. I was really delighted as I realised at this point that this therapy was not just to relieve the pain but sort the chronic problem. Yes, now back to Zumba next week I will keep you posted…
I was struck down with Bells palsy 6 years ago, it was very severe and I didn’t fully recover in my eye and mouth. I had a 10 min treatment with Kirsty using the SCENAR equipment – WOW! The results are amazing, my eye feels normal again, my eyebrow has lifted – very emotional as I didn’t think a ‘normal’ feeling was possible and it is nothing short of a miracle. Thank you so very much.
Thanks for pain treatment yesterday, it really helped
I would like to say a big thank you to Kirsty for taking time out to see me yesterday and today and working on my pinched nerve with the scenar machine and generally making me feel better. After two nights of not sleeping with lots of pain I am very hopeful this evening that my treatments will aid me to a good night sleep and help me to feel better. Would definitely recommend Kirsty.
Thank you Kirsty for the treatment you gave Rob last night he slept so well and did not wake up with any pain which is unusual. Also thanks for my treatment was amazed at what it come up with. Will definately recommend your SCENAR & ASYRA Treatments
ASYRA Pro Consultations
Just wanted to let you know, my tinnitus in one hear is gone and has reduced hugely in the other ear. People have noticed I could hear over the childrens background music
Sincere thanks for my recent session & drops. The hay fever element works within 2 minutes & relieved painful and streaming symptoms !!! Much better than previous tablets as well as wholesome. I would fully recommend any allergy/hayfever sufferer to try your treatment – it certainly works for me
Thank you from D and me for our remedies – thank you for caring. This has been life changing for me. Will see you in six weeks.
Thank you so much for yesterdays’s consultation – my leg/legs were pain free in the evening and throughout the night. I could walk pretty well on getting out of bed this morning and do stairs better, both up and down. These are major break throughs for me – my energies can be used to better outcomes! Thank you so much – this is unexpectedly better…………2days later…Legs amazingly improved.
I’m 22 years old and was diagnosed with Epilepsy 13 years ago. I was prescribed Sodium Valporate 8 years ago. Having a career in childcare, I needed to have energy and be alert for the busy schedules on a weekly basis. The medication I am on has side effects and this showed itself in weight gain and fatigue. I felt at the end of my tether, uncomfortable with my size and needed to take ‘control’ of my situation. I met Kirsty Terry through work and over the last 18months, with her nutritional knowledge and weight management I have been able to keep my tiredness under control despite still taking the medication and have reduce my size from a size 20 to a size 12/14 through healthy eating and regular exercise. I now feel able to embrace the mornings with a smile and thoroughly enjoy the new lifestyle I have with regular nutritional meals, regular exercise and a regular sleep pattern. I can only say thank you to Kirsty for her support, encouragement and general interest in getting a 22 year old back on form. Cheltenham
Being a vegetarian and trying to diet, I felt I had lost my way with what to eat. Kirsty has put me back on the right path & I felt so much healthier and I am beginning to lose weight. The assessments was very informative and helpful. It gave me a better understanding of how much & what I can eat to maintain my weight and not keep putting the weight back on again. The written information is very useful and I keep referring to it. I would definitely recommend this service to a friend. Thank you Kirsty.
I knew Kirsty was a caring person from the minute I spoke to her on the phone. She was prepared to listen to my concerns and help establish if she could help me prior to my first consultation. Following my consultation and confirmation of my intolerance to gluten, I now fully understand how this impacts my health and what I can and can’t eat to stop losing weight and be healthy.
Not only have I lost weight but I have maintained the weight loss. The way Kirsty explained all about nutrition and energy balance made so much sense and not that I understand what my body needs, it has been so easy to eat the right amount of health food and I have lost weight as a result. I never got that from any of the slimming groups.
I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to eat all the food Kirsty suggested, but I followed her advice and not only have I lost weight, but I also have a lot more energy.
When I realised how much I was overeating and understood what all my bad habits were, it became so much easier to make the right changes.
My diet was so unhealthy and I was so overweight. Kirsty has shown me how to eat healthily and I also have found a way to become more active which I enjoy. I have maintained my weight loss for over twelve months, I am so much more healthier and have so much more energy.