What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?
An Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a term frequently used to describe a condition that affects social interaction, communication, interests and behaviour. It includes Asperger syndrome, classic autism and PDD-NOS.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD’s) – ‘Off the Spectrum – How the best of Nutrition and Energy Medicine can support the symptoms of spectrum type disorders.
If you know or have a family member who has been diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum type Disorder, then you may also heard of the acronyms GAPS and CEASE and the success using nutrition and homeopathy to reverse the symptoms of autism. Add to the equation Bio-feedback using the ASYRA and the physical therapies of SCENAR and Kirsty has developed a set of holistic protocols which incorporate what she believes is the best of these already existing methodologies but brought them up to date and increased the visibility of health status using the latest bio-feedback technology.
In the words of Tinus Smits, a homeopathic doctor who wrote Autism – Beyond despair. “Yes, all autistic children can be healed!”.
This provides a programme whereby the bio-individuality of each individual is recognised allowing the practitioner to cherry pick the right solution’s removing the ‘one size fits all’ approach and accelerating the individual’s restoration of health.
Austism Spectrum Disorders – “Off the Spectrum” – A non-invasive, pain-free, drug-free support to the symptoms of Autism spectrum related disorders
Great Stuff Kirsty, Good luck with this venture